223 research outputs found

    Geometric potential of cartosat-1 stereo imagery

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    Cartosat-1 satellite, launched by Department of Space (DOS), Government of India, is dedicated to stereo viewing for large scale mapping and terrain modelling applications. This stereo capability fills the limited capacity of very high resolution satellites for three-dimensional point determination and enables the generation of detailed digital elevation models (DEMs) not having gaps in mountainous regions like for example the SRTM height model.The Cartosat-1 sensor offers a resolution of 2.5m GSD in panchromatic mode. One CCD-line sensor camera is looking with a nadir angle of 26' in forward direction, the other 5' aft along the track. The Institute "Area di Geodesia e Geomatica"-Sapienza Università di Roma and the Institute of Photogrammetry and Geoinformation, Leibniz University Hannover participated at the ISPRS-ISRO Cartosat-1 Scientific Assessment Programme (CSAP), in order to investigate the generation of Digital Surface Models (DSMs) from Cartosat-1 stereo scenes. The aim of this work concerns the orientation of Cartosat-1 stereo pairs, using the given RPCs improved by control points and the definition of an innovative model based on geometric reconstruction, that is used also for the RPC extraction utilizing a terrain independent approach. These models are implemented in the scientific software (SISAR-Software per Immagini Satellitari ad Alta Risoluzione) developed at Sapienza Università di Roma. In this paper the SISAR model is applied to different stereo pairs (Castelgandolfo and Rome) and to point out the effectiveness of the new model, SISAR results are compared with the corresponding ones obtained by the software OrthoEngine 10.0 (PCI Geomatica).By the University of Hannover a similar general satellite orientation program has been developed and the good results, achieved by bias corrected sensor oriented RPCs, for the test fields Mausanne (France) and Warsaw (Poland) have been described.For some images, digital height models have been generated by automatic image matching with least squares method, analysed in relation to given reference height models. For the comparison with the reference DEMs the horizontal fit of the height models to each other has been checked by adjustment

    High resolution satellite imagery orientation accuracy assessment by leave-one-out method: accuracy index selection and accuracy uncertainty

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    The Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) was recently applied to the evaluation of High Resolution Satellite Imagery orientation accuracy and it has proven to be an effective method alternative with respect to the most common Hold-out-validation (HOV), in which ground points are split into two sets, Ground Control Points used for the orientation model estimation and Check Points used for the model accuracy assessment. On the contrary, the LOOCV applied to HRSI implies the iterative application of the orientationmodel using all the known ground points as GCPs except one, different in each iteration, used as a CP. In every iteration the residual between imagery derived coordinates with respect to CP coordinates (prediction error of the model on CP coordinates) is calculated; the overall spatial accuracy achievable from the oriented image may be estimated by computing the usual RMSE or, better, a robust accuracy index like the mAD (median Absolute Deviation) of prediction errors on all the iterations. In this way it is possible to overcome some drawbacks of the HOV: LOOCVis a reliable and robustmethod, not dependent on a particular set of CPs and on possible outliers, and it allows us to use each known ground point both as a GCP and as a CP, capitalising all the available ground information. This is a crucial problem in current situations, when the number of GCPs to be collected must be reduced as much as possible for obvious budget problems. The fundamentalmatter to deal with was to assess howwell LOOCVindexes (mADand RMSE) are able to represent the overall accuracy, that is howmuch they are stable and close to the corresponding HOV RMSE assumed as reference. Anyway, in the first tests the indexes comparison was performed in a qualitative way, neglecting their uncertainty. In this work the analysis has been refined on the basis of Monte Carlo simulations, starting from the actual accuracy of ground points and images coordinates, estimating the desired accuracy indexes (e.g. mAD and RMSE) in several trials, computing their uncertainty (standard deviation) and accounting for them in the comparison. Tests were performed on a QuickBird Basic image implementing an ad hoc procedure within the SISAR software developed by the Geodesy and Geomatics Team at the Sapienza University of Rome. The LOOCV method with accuracy evaluated by mAD seemed promising and useful for practical case

    Le vittime del racket. Imprenditori e commercianti alle prese con Cosa Nostra, ‘Ndrangheta e Camorra

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    Il lavoro propone una ricerca su un mondo psichico fin qui ancora inesplorato: i pen-sieri, le emozioni, l’esperienza delle vittime del racket delle tre grandi organizzazioni criminali del meridione d’Italia: la Mafia, la Camorra e la ‘Ndrangheta. L’obiettivo è comprendere le multi-sfaccettate questioni psico-antropologiche e sociali sulle quali le organizzazioni criminali si sono radicate, ed in particolare quali dinamiche psico-relazionali e quali codici transculturali entrino in gioco nel complesso e controverso rapporto tra vittima e sistema criminale, tra vittima e sistemi di supporto. Con imprenditori e commer-cianti vittime della criminalità organizzata, sono stati analizzati i vissuti - in particolare la paura - e le problematiche psicologiche cui essi sono andati incontro; gli eventi e le motivazioni che hanno permesso di “rompere” il silenzio e di formulare una richiesta d’aiuto; la rappresenta-zione della rete di supporto prima e dopo l’eventuale denuncia; il tipo di aiuto offerto dai si-stemi di supporto. La dignità e il rispetto per sé stessi, la difesa della propria libertà e del proprio onore, valori profondi delle culture meridionali, quegli stessi valori che le mafie usano e radicalizzano, capovolgendoli e facendoli diventare strumenti di sopraffazione e di dominio, sembrano essere i temi portanti che guidano la ribellione alla vittimizzazione. Insieme a questo, il sostegno forte delle reti asso-ciazionistiche antiracket.This work proposes a research on a still unexplored psychical world: thoughts, emo-tions and real events experienced by racket victims of the three largest criminal organizations of the South of Italy: Mafia, Camorra and ‘Ndrangheta. The purpose is to understand the multi-faceted psycho-anthropological and social issues crimi-nal organizations have settled on, and particularly which psycho-relational dynamics and socio-cultural codes come into play in the complex and controversial relationship between victim and criminal system, between victim and support systems. With entrepreneurs and tradesmen victims of organized crime, we have analyzed lived experiences – in particular fear – and psy-chological problems they had to cope with; events and motivations which allowed them “breaking” the silence and asking for help; the representation of a support network before and after their possible pressing charges; the kind of help offered by support systems. Dignity and self respect, the defense of one’s own freedom and honor, deep values typical of south-ern cultures, those same values Mafia uses and radicalizes, turning them upside down and transforming them into tools to overpower and dominate, seem to be the main themes which lead the rebellion against victimization. Along with this, the strong support of anti-racket asso-ciations

    How to circumvent the limitations of open source software and orthorectify how (or better) than with commercial software

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    High and very high resolution satellite images are now an irreplaceable resource for earth observation in general and for the extraction of hydrogeological information in particular. In order to use them correctly and compare them with previous surveys and maps, they must be treated geometrically to removethedistortions introduced by the acquisition process. Orthorectification is not a simple georeferencing because the process must take into account the three-dimensional acquisition geometry of the sensor. For this reason orthorectification must be performed within specific commercial software with additional costs compared to image acquisition which, in some cases, is currently free of charge. Some orthorectification algorithms, mainly based on the RPC approach, are available in open source GIS software such as QGIS. OTB (Orpheus toolbox) for QGIS contains some of these algorithms but its interfaces are not clear and there are some incomprehensible limitations such as the impossibility to input three-dimensional ground control points (GCPs). This severely limits the final achievable accuracy because it does not allow to correctly estimate the influence of different ground morphologies on the acquisition geometry. To get around these limitations you can make a "pseudo DEM" and other expedients to complete the whole process obtaining absolute results comparable if not better than those of commercial software. The proposed procedure may not be the fastest but it can be a valid alternative for those who use satellite images as a tool in their research work

    Assessing mental health therapeutic communities functioning

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    Empirical and clinical evidence shows that therapeutic communities produce changes in people’s mental health and well-being. Treatment in communities has effects on improving interpersonal relationships, acceptance among members, ability to recognize other people’s feelings, symptomatology, life satisfaction and self-esteem. This paper aims to investigate which factors can explain the treatment effectiveness, measured by an index which incorporates the point of view of the communities staff members, by means of a beta regression model with random intercept. The results show the influence of some organizational dimension as well as staff roles, providing a meaningful insights into the functioning of mental therapeutic communities with implications of particular interest to the mental health sector stakeholders

    Fisheye Photogrammetry to Survey Narrow Spaces in Architecture and a Hypogea Environment

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    Nowadays, the increasing computation power of commercial grade processors has actively led to a vast spreading of image-based reconstruction software as well as its application in different disciplines. As a result, new frontiers regarding the use of photogrammetry in a vast range of investigation activities are being explored. This paper investigates the implementation of fisheye lenses in non-classical survey activities along with the related problematics. Fisheye lenses are outstanding because of their large field of view. This characteristic alone can be a game changer in reducing the amount of data required, thus speeding up the photogrammetric process when needed. Although they come at a cost, field of view (FOV), speed and manoeuvrability are key to the success of those optics as shown by two of the presented case studies: the survey of a very narrow spiral staircase located in the Duomo di Milano and the survey of a very narrow hypogea structure in Rome. A third case study, which deals with low-cost sensors, shows the metric evaluation of a commercial spherical camera equipped with fisheye lenses

    Influenze tra processo ed esiti: alleanza, coesione e cambiamento in un gruppo terapeutico a lungo termine

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    Research is currently moving in the direction of an integration between the outcome measures of the patients and the relational and/or structural factors that can facilitate their change. It is increasingly important to focus studies on the relationship between process and outcome, especially with regard to psychodynamic group therapy. These treatments, very complex and difficult to operationalize, still pose critical questions for research such as what are the main elements of the therapeutic process that are activated in these therapies?Many efforts are to be made in understanding which factors develop in groups and the conditions that positively influence the success of therapy. Important is, moreover, the work of conceptual and "operational" depth on the different constructs, to better understand their nature and differences and build tools to more easily detect their features. Therapeutic alliance and cohesion are among the most investigated process variables, because of their role on the results of therapy.This study investigates these two variables in a therapeutic group with severe patients and analyzes their associations with treatment outcomes in term of symptoms and defenses. A long-term, semi-open group meeting on a weekly basis was examined. The observation was carried out for a period of 18 months, for a total amount of 50 sessions; 11 patients with different diagnoses in Axis I and II DSM IV were examined. Outcome measures: SCL-90 - Symptom Check List; OQ-45 - Outcome Questionnaire 45.2; DSQ - Defense Style Questionnaire.Process measures: CALPAS-G: California Psychotherapy Alliance Scale-Group; GMLCS: Group/Member/Leader Cohesion Scale. The observation period was divided into 3 phases according to re-modulations of the setting (new entries, overcomes, dropout). Significant correlations between alliance, cohesion and outcomes were found in the three phases. During the phase of greater instability, the predominant role of cohesion and, more generally, dimensions related to group commitment emerge. Results offer interesting suggestions about the differentiation between Alliance and Cohesion and their different relationship with outcomes and process evolution

    Post-modernity: which changes in the social framework and psychic function.

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    Aim of this work is to highlight some psychic consequences of post-modernity and particularly the sliding towards more archaic levels of functioning. Therefore, after presenting some distinctive characteristics of post-modernity, we briefly report some data related to the last Censis report on the social situation in Italy, we continue highlighting the emergence of some specific behavioral and relational difficulties show by the recent clinical literature and, finally, using as a vertex of analysis the groupanalytic theory, we propose  a key of reading still little explored, on the link between the changes registered at the social level and those recorded at the psychic level (affects, thoughts, behaviors) that can explain the general shift towards more archaic levels of operation.</p

    an application of cosmo sky med to coastal erosion studies

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    AbstractStarted in 2009, the COSMOCoast project aims to the investigation of the potential of Remote Sensing in support to the management of coastal areas. Particular attention is paid to the contribution of data acquired from the COSMO-SkyMed constellation, in view of their frequency of acquisitions and ground resolution; in particular this paper aims at assessing the potential of COSMO-SkyMed data for coastline delineation. The results are conceived to be of particular interest for public administration bodies in charge of coastal defense. Keywords: Remote Sensing, Coastal Zones Management, COSMO-SkyMed